37 Wonderful Master Bedroom Designs With Walk In Closets (2024)

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The walk-in closet is a must for any master bedroom. It's one of the best ways to organize your clothes and accessories. You can have an organized room in less than an hour's time if you follow these ideas.

You do not need a lot of space to have a good walk-in closet, so master bedroom designs with walk-in closets must come easily after you take a look at our suggestions above.

What is the meaning of a walk-in closet?

A walk-in closet is a room in your house where you can store your clothes and other belongings. It is usually attached to the bedroom or the bathroom.

Walk-in closets are becoming more and more popular because they offer a lot of storage space and are very convenient.

What Is A Closet System?

A closet system allows you to organize your closets in a way that makes them easy to use. You don't need to worry about where things are, because each closet is organized into categories for easy access.

So, you must design the best closet system for your master bedroom walk-in closet, and some systems even come with a shoe rack to store all of your shoes!

What is a good size for a master bedroom walk-in closet?

A standard size of a master bedroom walk-in closet is at least 4 feet by 8 feet. But, if you want a bigger closet, you can always go for a custom-built option.

Can you add a walk-in closet to a bedroom?

Yes, you can add a walk-in closet to any bedroom. However, it is important to make sure that you have enough space for the closet before starting construction.

Are walk-in closets a waste of space?

No, walk-in closets are not a waste of space. In fact, they are becoming more and more popular because they offer a lot of storage space and are very convenient.

How much does it cost to add a walk-in closet to a master bedroom?

The cost of adding a walk-in closet to a master bedroom varies depending on the size and features of the closet. You can expect to pay at least $1,000 for a basic walk-in closet.

How hard is it to add a walk-in closet?

Adding a walk-in closet is not difficult, but it does require some planning and construction. You will need to measure the dimensions of your room and decide how much of it you want to use for the closet, and finally, choose the type of storage solutions that you want to use.

How do you layout a walk-in closet?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. You will need to layout your walk-in closet according to the size and layout of your room. However, there are some general guidelines that you can follow.

First, decide how you want to use your closet. Do you want it to be for clothes only, or do you want to use it for storage as well?

Next, measure the dimensions of your room and the closet. Once you have these measurements, you can start planning the layout of your closet.

Finally, choose the type of storage that you want to use in your closet. There are many options available, so take your time to browse through the different options before making a decision.

What's the difference between a walk-in closet and a dressing room?

Nowadays, a walk-in closet is considered a dressing room if it has a space dedicated to dressing and grooming. All you have to add is a full-length mirror, have a vanity, and enough light.

Since it usually also has built-in storage, such as shelving or drawers, for clothing and accessories, a walk-in closet can serve as a dressing room. But, if you have the space you can have a walk-in closet separate from your dressing room.

What is the difference between a walk-in closet and a closet?

A closet is a smaller storage space that is typically used to store clothes. A walk-in closet is a larger storage space that is specifically designed for storing clothes and other belongings and can be used as a dressing room as well.

How big should a walk-in closet be?

There is no definitive answer to this question. The size of your walk-in closet will depend on the size of your room and the number of belongings that you need to store. However, the standard size for a walk-in closet is at least 4 feet by 8 feet.

How do I build and design a custom master bedroom walk-in closet?

If you want a custom walk-in closet for your master bedroom, you will need to hire a contractor to build it for you. However, you can save money by doing some of the work yourself.

First, measure the dimensions of your room and the closet. Once you have these measurements, you can start planning the layout of your closet.

Next, choose the type of storage that you want to use in your closet design, and finally, hire a contractor to build the closet for you. Make sure to get several quotes from different contractors before hiring one.

But there are some more things you can take into consideration, such as:

Consider your closet needs.

You'll need to consider what you'll be using the closet for. If you only need it for storing clothes, then you won't need a lot of space. However, if you want to use it as a dressing room, then you'll need more space.

Stick with a System

There are many closet systems available on the market. Choose one that you think will work best for you and your space, and stick with it. This will make organizing your closet much easier.

Install an Island

Incorporating an island into your walk-in closet can give you more storage space and make it easier to get dressed. You can choose an island with shelves, drawers, or hanging space to best meet your needs.

Incorporate Lighting

Good lighting is essential in any closet. Make sure to install some good-quality light fixtures in your walk-in closet to make it easier to see what you're looking for.

Have a sitting area

Adding a bench to your walk-in closet is a great way to add seating and make it more comfortable to get dressed. You can find benches that come with storage, which is perfect for storing shoes or other items.

Use your vertical space

If you have a small walk-in closet, make use of the vertical space by installing shelves or racks high up on the walls. This will give you more storage space without taking up too much floor space.

Use cabinets in your walk-in closet

If you have a lot of belongings, using cabinets in your walk-in closet can be a great way to organize everything. Choose cabinets that match the style of your closet and have enough space to store all of your belongings.

Decide the type of shelving

You can use wire shelves or wood shelves in your walk-in closet. Wire shelves are more affordable and can be easily rearranged, but they don't look as nice as wood shelves. Wood shelves are more expensive, but they look nicer and last longer.

Choose the type of hanging space

There are two types of hanging space: rods and bars. Rods are ideal for clothes that need to be hung up, such as dresses, suits, and shirts. Bars are better for shorter items, such as skirts and pants.

Keep everything in sight

When you're planning your walk-in closet, make sure to keep everything in sight. This will help you stay organized and find things more easily.

Don’t forget to decorate

Your walk-in closet is an extension of your bedroom, so don't forget to decorate it. You can add a rug, artwork, or even a chandelier to make it feel more like a dressing room.

Use wallpaper

If you want to really make your walk-in closet stand out, use wallpaper. There are many different types of wallpaper available, so you can find one that matches the style of your closet.

Color-code your clothing

If you want to make getting dressed a little easier, color-code your clothing. This will help you find what you're looking for quickly and easily.

Install a hamper

A hamper is a great way to hide dirty clothes until you have time to wash them. Choose a hamper that matches the style of your closet and fits well in the space you have available.

Install a shoe rack

A shoe rack is a great way to organize your shoes and keep them off the floor. Choose a shoe rack that fits well in your closet and has enough space to store all of your shoes.

Storage organized by type

Separate knits and sweaters, pants and skirts, and shirts and blouses to make it easier to find what you're looking for. This will also help to keep your clothing organized and in good condition.

Install a mirror

A mirror is essential in any dressing room or walk-in closet. It allows you to see yourself from all angles so you can make sure your clothes look good on you. And a plus of a mirror is that it will make a small walk-in closet space look bigger.

These are just some of the things you need to take into consideration when building a custom walk-in closet. If you need more help, talk to a professional designer who can help you create the perfect space for your needs.


Now that you know a little more about walk-in closets, are you ready to design your own? If so, take the time to browse through the different ideas in the gallery above and choose the ones that best meet your needs. With a little bit of planning, you can have the closet of your dreams!

37 Wonderful Master Bedroom Designs With Walk In Closets (2024)


What is the average size of a master bedroom with a walk-in closet? ›

The size of a master bedroom with a walk-in closet can vary, but it often starts at around 200 square feet (18.6 square meters) for a standard master suite. However, larger suites can be 300 square feet (27.9 square meters) or more.

What is a good size for a walk-in closet? ›

Average. Just like the name implies, a walk-in closet needs to be large enough for you to walk inside it comfortably. The standard size of walk-in closets starts at about 6 x 10 feet or 7 x 10 feet for two people. In general, 100 total square feet is ideal for adequate storage and easy navigation.

How do you make a luxurious bedroom on a budget? ›

Add lamps for atmospheric lighting, new bedding for an instant update and plump pillows and cushions for a hotel aesthetic. A gallery wall is a classy way to display your favourite prints and photos, and added foliage or flowers will bring your bedroom to life.

Are walk-in closets a waste of space? ›

Built-in Closets

They do not take a lot of space and are overall more efficient. Walk-in closets can feel like a waste of space after a while, especially since their size makes them prone to cluttering and chaos. That's where the ease of maintaining a smaller closet comes out as the winner.

What is the best master bedroom size? ›

What You Need to Know About “Average” Master Bedroom Size
Home TypeAverage Master Bedroom Size (sq ft)Average Master Bedroom Size (ft x ft)
Standard200 – 35014×14 to 18×20 with 14×16 being the average
Small Homes~20014×14
Large Homes>35020×20 or larger
Luxury Homes400 – 600+20×20 to 25×25 or larger

What makes a bedroom look expensive? ›

Here are some easy ways to get that same lush feel and comfort, right in your own home.
  • Overhaul your bed. Lexington Bed. ...
  • Invest in luxurious sheets. ...
  • Create a cosy space with lighting. ...
  • Rethink your curtains. ...
  • Don't forget the little luxuries. ...
  • Think about your colour palette. ...
  • Bonus tip: It's all in the details!

Should a master bedroom be dark or light? ›

The final verdict

Whether a bedroom should be light or dark depends on personal preference, the room itself, and how you intend to use the space during the day. Color influences the feel of the room, so go ahead and choose a soothing shade - whatever that means to you.

How much is an average walk-in closet? ›

A basic design for an average-sized walk-in closet starts at around $2,000, with costs generally ranging up to $5,000. Most homeowners spend around $3,500 on their walk-in closet projects. Additional features such as hampers, doors, drawers, lighting, accessories, and intricate designs can elevate costs.

Is 5x5 big enough for a walk-in closet? ›

The square and small walk-in closet is a great choice for a home with space constraints. These walk-in closet dimensions are usually 5 feet by 5 feet. With these dimensions, you can barely call it a "walk-in closet," but I'm including this example because it's the amount of space many homes have.

Do walk-in closets need ventilation? ›

Conclusion. Poor ventilation in a walk-in closet can lead to a host of issues, including mold, musty odors, pest infestations, and the deterioration of clothing.

How do I make my interior look luxurious? ›

There are plenty of 'affordable' finishing touches which can make your home look and feel more luxurious – some of which can actually be free!
  1. Paint a feature wall. ...
  2. Go big with wall art. ...
  3. Redecorate / paint. ...
  4. Use colour cleverly. ...
  5. Declutter. ...
  6. Decorate with candles and mirrors. ...
  7. Add house plants and flowers.
Feb 7, 2022

What size is a large master walk-in closet? ›

It's essential to consider the dimensions of your space, as well as your storage needs, when designing your ideal walk-in closet. The standard size for a closet is typically 4 to 6 feet wide and 6 to 10 feet long. Larger luxury closets may range from 8 feet by 12 feet up to 10 feet by 16 feet.

What is the average size of Masters bedroom? ›

How big is a master bedroom? On average, master bedrooms are between 200 and 250 square feet (between 19 and 23 square meter) with a minimum of 15 feet (5 meter) for each side of the room. These dimensions work for most homeowners as it even fits a King-size bed easily.

Is 5 feet wide enough for walk-in closet? ›

Although there's no limit to how big your walk-in closet can be, these measurements are a good place to start: Standard walk-in closet width: 4-5 feet for single, 6-8 feet for double-sided. Minimum walk-in closet size: 5 x 5 feet (just enough room to turn around).

What size is a master bedroom closet door? ›

Typical widths can range from 24” to 72”. For spans up to 36”, your closet doors will have two panels or one door opening from the right or left. For widths between 36” and 72”, four panels will be needed for your bifold door, or two doors – one on each side.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.